Programme on Livelihood
The state of Odisha is one of the poorest states in the entire county. Poverty is more prevalent in rural and tribal areas of the state. The tribal of the state are historically have remained poverty-stricken and impoverished. AIRA is trying to implement several programmes for the benefit of the dalits & adivasis in its operational area.
Odisha Tribal Empowerment Livelihoods Project (OTELP +)
AIRA is proud to be associated with OTELP + to work as field NGO (FNGO) in Dabugaon Block of Nawarangpur district of Odisha. The Goal of the project is “to ensure that livelihoods and food security of poor tribal households are sustainable improved through promoting a more efficient equitable self-managed and sustainable exploitation of the natural Resources at their disposal and through off farm/non-farm enterprise development”.
Objectives of the Programme:
The major objectives of the project is to ensure that the livelihoods and security of poor tribal households are sustainably improved through promoting a more-efficient, equitable, self-managed and sustainable exploitation of the natural resources at their disposal and through off-farm/non-farm enterprise development.
Programme Strategy:
• Build the capacity of managerial groups as individuals and grassroots institutions.
• Enhance the access of poor tribal people to land, water and forests and increase the productivity of those resources environmentally sustainable and socially equitable way.
• Encourage and facilitate of-farm enterprise development focused on the needs of poor tribal households.
• Monitor the basic food entitled of tribal households and ensure their access to public food supplies.
• Strengthen the institutional capacity of government agencies, PRIs, NGOs and civil society to work effectively for participatory poverty reduction with tribal communities.
• Encourage the development of a pro-tribal enabling environment through ensuring that legislation governing control of and access to development resources by poor tribal households is implemented effectively and by recommending other policy improvements.
• Build on the indigenous knowledge and values of tribal and blend these with technological innovation to ensure a speedier pace of development.
Programme Area:
The OTELP is being implemented in about 17 villages covering 6 G.Ps in Dabugaon Block of Nabarangpur district in the Southern part of the state.
Programme Activities:
During the reporting period the organization implemented the following activities to meet the objectives of the project.
(A)Empowerment of the Community:
Empowerment of the community is the basic vehicle of the programme on which the entire programme hinges on. SHGs are expected to carry out most of the income generating activities. During the reporting period the organization promoted 116 new SHGs with membership in excess of 3009 women in these groups. Under the project the leaders of these groups were provided training on leadership training, group management record keeping, accounts keeping, EDP etc so that they can run their groups independently. A seed capital of RS.2,64,000/- were provided about 116 groups to strengthen their activities. Revolving fund Rs.1,20,000/- were provided to four women SHGs to start up backyard poultry business. The organization provided the necessary training to these women so that they can run these units on a self-sustainable basis.
(B) Agro-Horticultural Activity:
The organization is continuing with the agro-horticultural activities for addressing the need of mal-nutrition among the dalits & adivasis, especially the women and children. One of the main reasons for the increased mal-nutrition of the women and children is lack of intake of nutritious food. Due to extreme poverty conditions the poor households cannot afford to buy vegetables and fruits. For addressing the problem in proper prospective AIRA has been providing saplings for backyard plantation. During the reporting period about 700 households were provides vegetable saplings kits consisting of Tomato, French beans, Brinjal, Radish, Papaya, Banana etc. another 400 no. of families were provided fruit-bearing sapling mango, lemon, guava, papaya, drumstick, Amla, Chakunda for sustainable income over a long period of time.
(C) Agricultural Activity:
In the target project area the people depend mainly on agriculture and related activities for their living. However, the yield remains low due to the mono-cropping practice and traditional farming practices. Under the project the organization provided training to the farmers on improved agricultural practices like farm mechanization, use of bio-fertilizer, use of bio-pesticides, certified seeds etc. besides the organization also provided inputs for alternative crops like wheat, sunflower, pulses etc. for mixed farming for raising their income. During the year the following farmers were supported with various agricultural inputs.
Crop/Inputs & No. of families
Sunflower Seed : 185
Potatoes : 324
Pulses : 176
Onion : 670