Who We Are

 Arun Institute of Rural Affairs (AIRA) a frontline rural based NGO started its journey since 1986. The formation of the NGO was inspired by the devotion and social work spirit of an untimely lost village youth named “Arun” as well as the horrific experience of a survivor, the team leader and founder of AIRA from biggest tornado that hit Bandhaguda in Keonjhar district of Odisha during 1980s. Since the formation AIRA moved ahead with commitment and selfless services and we proved as key change making organization focusing on poor tribal and rural population mostly women and girls.

       We envision for evolution of a society free from all sorts of discrimination and with equal rights and opportunities for all. Towards this holistic vision our mission is to organize the people, build their capacity, enhance confidence and empower them to lead a dignified life. Starting from delivery of services like health and education, we organize their capacity and skill for productive participation in social mainstream.

Our Approach

Legal Status


 Registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 at Dhenkanal bearing No.1648/247 of 1987-88,dtd.13/03/1988.IGR Regn. No. 21272/76, Dtd.12/07/2001.
 Registered under F.C.R. Act 1976 No.104890026, Dtd. 27.11.91.
 Registered under 80G & 12A of Income Tax Exemption Act 1961.
 Registered under F.C.R. Act 1976 No.104890026, Dtd. 27.11.91.
 Registered under 80G & 12A of Income Tax Exemption Act 1961.
 Registered under TAN under Income Tax No. BBNA00837E, dated. 25/01/2017.
 PAN NO. AAATA6447K, dated. 12/07/2001.
 Registered under NGO Partnership under NITI AYOGA vide No.OR/2009/0003765
 Registered under PFMS (Public Fund Management System)
 Registered under Service Tax
 Registered under PWD Act with W & CD Dept., Govt. of Odisha, vide No. 24/DWPD of 2004/BBSR, Dated 04/10/2004.
 Registered under National Trust Act.
 Registered under ITPA, Odisha rule 1959 vide No. WCD/ITPA/2016/UJ/D09/00026.
 Registered under ARUNIM (Initiative of Marketing) vide No. ARN3006.
 AIRA is an ISO 9001-2008 Certified Organization.


— Our Mission

To organize the poor mass, develop their potential and to improve the socio-economic status thereby. kill-building. To extend needful service through institute&community based care of the neglected old and disabled persons. To strive towards strengthening & popularizing ‘life and living with dignity for all’ through local based action components on ‘rights & duties’.


— Our Vision

Evolution of a society free from all sorts of discrimination and with equal rights and opportunities for all.


— Our Story

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Dr. Kshetra Mohan Das (b.1947) is a renowned development professional specialized in development-planning and implementation instrumental for guidance and hand on support to our team. Dr. Das has also served as technical consultant/ expert in many schemes and programs implemented by government departments in Odisha and other non-government agencies.
Contact No. 9437522921
Email. aira_dkl@yahoo.co.in

Prof. Antaryami Rath(b.1953) is a development professional and educationist of Gandhian Ideology. He is one of the key hands to defend and protect rights of children and women across the state. His untiring efforts could bring visible impact in the lives of poor tribal children in pursuing and continuing schooling. His visible contribution is in the form of Primary books in Santhali and Ho-Mundari Language. He has also extended consultancy to government and other development agencies for the past three decades. Also Sri Rath is now the Trustee of NaiTalimSamiti, Sevagram, Wardha, the apex Gandhian Institute.
Email. rathashis53@gmail.com

Dr.Suresh Kumar Panda(b.1968) founder member and Director of AIRA is a committed development activist based in Dhenkanal. He continues to lead the team of AIRA since 1987-88. Sri Panda has been awarded by many regional and national level organizations’ for his outstanding contributions to the sphere of social work. He has been giving successful leadership uninterruptedly that brought success to the organization at different level. He is responsible for the overall working of the organisation and is instrumental in making strategic decisions for the organisation and its result-oriented performance. Mr. Panda has earned accolades and at national and state level awards.
Email. airapanda_bbsr@yahoo.co.in

Chief Programme Coordinator 
Golak Bihari Panigrahi( b.1965) is a proficient social worker having wide exposure to development intervention in tribal areas particularly in community health and livelihood promotion. He is an efficient trainer with expertise in documentation and programme monitoring. He is presently the Chief Programme Coordinator of AIRA providing guidance and support to the staff members. He is associated with AIRA for the past 28 years.
Email. gb_panigrahi@yahoo.co.in, golakbiharipanigrahi2948@gmail.com


Our work is governed by the core values of AIRA are Equality, respect, excellence and partnership for development of community and the people.



AIRA strives for a society in which all are treated equally and ensure the same in all aspects of its work.



>AIRA will treat others with respect whether within the organisation or with partners, clients and competitors.



AIRA will constantly strive for excellence in all it does, whether in designing and implementing programs or in its own internal management.



AIRA works collaboratively with others, whether they provide it funding or with whom it works directly.
We equip, mobilize, educate, and empower our target people to address the core issues affecting their lives. We work in regions where there is felt a need for changing mind-sets and behaviours to improve life of the poor, tribal and marginalized.

Our core competencies are


Imparting formal education to Adibasi (tribal) and Dalit children.
Capacity building of NGO/CBO functionaries through Training & Exposure.
Geriatric care.
Prevention of Alcoholism & Substance Abuse, HIV/AIDS.
Disaster preparedness, rescue & relief operation.
Social infrastructure development and creation of community assets.
Micro-credit and micro-enterprise promotion for women and rural youth.
Vocational skill development & rehabilitation of disabled youth.
Media campaign and cultural program, IEC materials on development themes/issues.
Action research, consultancy, training, publication on development themes.


Though we as AIRA initially started its work in Dhenkanal district focusing Kankadahad tribal regions and Gondia block intervening education and health for all, over the years the our work work spread across the state of Odisha covering different stakeholders targeting issues affecting ;life and living condition of the people. Presently we operate in Dhenkanal, Cuttack, Keonjhar, Angul in costal Odisha, Sambalpur, Jharsuguda in westren Odisha and Nabarangpur districts of southern Odisha. In our efforts to bring both social and economic empowerment of most vulnerable population, we priorities the education and health component while we intervene in the areas like ecology, environment and livelihood promotion to sustain a change for better tomorrow. Presently the 20 and odd programs are organized & operated in 15 blocks in 6 district of Odisha benefitting to 1,21,000 population that includes women &children, senior citizens, drug abusers, sexually high risk groups & transgender persons and differentially abled persons.